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Ejercicios De Pretérito Y Copretérito: A Guide To Mastering The Past Tenses In Spanish


Learning a new language can be challenging, but it is an exciting journey that opens doors to new cultures and ways of thinking. In Spanish, mastering the past tenses is essential to communicate effectively and express yourself accurately. In this article, we will explore the ejercicios de pretérito y copretérito, two essential past tenses in Spanish, and provide tips and exercises to help you improve your skills.

What are the Pretérito and Copretérito?

The pretérito is a past tense that describes completed actions in the past. It is used to talk about events that happened at a specific time, such as "ayer fui al cine" (yesterday I went to the movies). The copretérito, also known as the imperfecto, is another past tense that describes ongoing or repeated actions in the past. It is used to set the scene or provide background information, such as "cuando era joven, iba al parque todos los días" (when I was young, I used to go to the park every day).

How to Conjugate the Pretérito and Copretérito

Conjugating verbs in Spanish can be tricky, but with practice, you can master it. To form the pretérito, you need to add specific endings to the verb stem. For regular verbs, the endings are -é, -aste, -ó, -amos, -asteis, -aron. For example, the verb "hablar" (to speak) would be conjugated as follows:

  • Yo hablé
  • Tú hablaste
  • Él/ella habló
  • Nosotros hablamos
  • Vosotros hablasteis
  • Ellos/ellas hablaron

On the other hand, to form the copretérito, you need to add specific endings to the verb stem. For regular verbs, the endings are -aba, -abas, -aba, -ábamos, -abais, -aban. For example, the verb "comer" (to eat) would be conjugated as follows:

  • Yo comía
  • Tú comías
  • Él/ella comía
  • Nosotros comíamos
  • Vosotros comíais
  • Ellos/ellas comían

Common Irregular Verbs in the Pretérito and Copretérito

Like in any language, there are irregular verbs that don't follow the general conjugation rules. Here are some of the most common irregular verbs in the pretérito and copretérito:

  • Ser/ir (to be/to go): fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fuisteis, fueron (pretérito); era, eras, era, éramos, erais, eran (copretérito)
  • Tener (to have): tuve, tuviste, tuvo, tuvimos, tuvisteis, tuvieron (pretérito); tenía, tenías, tenía, teníamos, teníais, tenían (copretérito)
  • Hacer (to do/make): hice, hiciste, hizo, hicimos, hicisteis, hicieron (pretérito); hacía, hacías, hacía, hacíamos, hacíais, hacían (copretérito)

Practice Exercises for the Pretérito and Copretérito

Practice makes perfect, and the same applies to learning Spanish. Here are some exercises to help you improve your skills:

  • Write a short story in the pretérito and copretérito, using at least five irregular verbs
  • Watch a Spanish movie or TV show and identify the verbs in the pretérito and copretérito
  • Read a Spanish book or article and highlight the verbs in the pretérito and copretérito
  • Practice conjugating regular and irregular verbs in the pretérito and copretérito


Learning the ejercicios de pretérito y copretérito is essential to communicate effectively in Spanish. By understanding the differences between the two past tenses and practicing regularly, you can improve your skills and express yourself accurately. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, as they are an essential part of the learning process. ¡Buena suerte!

¡Hasta la próxima!

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