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Aquí, Acá, Ahí, Allí, Allá Ejercicios: Improve Your Spanish Language Skills

...Aula Seño Sory... MEDIDA. ACTIVIDADES PARA IMPRIMIR Actividades
...Aula Seño Sory... MEDIDA. ACTIVIDADES PARA IMPRIMIR Actividades from www.pinterest.com

Are you struggling with the differences between aquí, acá, ahí, allí, and allá in the Spanish language? You're not alone! Many Spanish learners find these words confusing, but with a little practice, you can master them.

Understanding the Differences Between Aquí, Acá, Ahí, Allí, and Allá

Before we dive into some exercises to help you improve your understanding of these words, let's first clarify their meanings.

  • Aquí and acá both mean "here" and are used interchangeably. However, in some regions, acá may be more commonly used in informal settings.
  • Ahí and allí both mean "there" and are also used interchangeably. However, ahí is generally used to refer to a location that is closer to the speaker, while allí refers to a location that is farther away.
  • Allá means "over there" and refers to a location that is far away from both the speaker and the listener.

Exercises to Improve Your Understanding of Aquí, Acá, Ahí, Allí, and Allá

Exercise 1: Fill in the Blank

Fill in the blank with the correct word:

  1. ¿Estás ____, o prefieres que te recoja?
  2. No puedo creer que hayamos llegado ____ sin perdernos.
  3. El supermercado está ____ la calle, a dos cuadras.
  4. ¿Puedes ver el edificio rojo ____?
  5. La fiesta es ____ la playa, a unos kilómetros de aquí.

Exercise 2: Choose the Correct Word

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

  1. El restaurante está aquí / allí, en la esquina.
  2. ¿Puedes pasar acá / allá para que te explique?
  3. El cine está acá / allá, a unos minutos caminando.
  4. ¿Puedes ir allí / allá y comprar algunas frutas?
  5. La biblioteca está ahí / allá, cerca del parque.


With these exercises, you can improve your understanding of aquí, acá, ahí, allí, and allá in the Spanish language. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep practicing and soon you'll be using these words with confidence!

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